Results for inequality

Income inequality and revolution – an economy doing half the job…

Concern has been growing about the impact of inequality on the recovery of the global economy. The Independent notes that JP Morgan, the American banker, believed that the head of a company should not earn more than 20 times those at the bottom. As recently as the mid-1990s, the experience in Britain was not a […]


For the world, the times they are a-changin’…

Despite the rise of populism, the economic scorecard for the last 50 years hasn’t been that bad under the old liberal regime, where half the people who have ever lived, live now. Some extracts from the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) report  “A World of Change” below:   The world population grew from 3 billion in 1965 […]


Brexit – facts not feelings…

The FT’s City Editor Jonathan Guthrie commented  after the Brexit referendum that  “…Two tribes, it transpires went to war on polling day. Remainers, whose beliefs reflect economics, and Leavers, whose economics reflect their beliefs. Unless the first group can understand and win over the second, the prospects for both look equally grim…” It is true […]


1% of the world’s people have never had it so good; they will own as much of the world’s wealth as the other 99% by 2016

This was one of the conclusions reported by Oxfam in January 2015 tying in with Credit Suisse’s Global Wealth Report for 2014, which showed that the 0.7% of the world’s people with assets more than $1m controlled 44% of all the world’s wealth. The Oxfam report goes on to show that in 2010, the very […]


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