October 2014

Income inequality and revolution – an economy doing half the job…

Concern has been growing about the impact of inequality on the recovery of the global economy. The Independent notes that JP Morgan, the American banker, believed that the head of a company should not earn more than 20 times those at the bottom. As recently as the mid-1990s, the experience in Britain was not a […]


Bitcoins – the digital currency without banks, government controls or rules

Bitcoins are bought on digital exchanges at a rate which varies like any other currency, but a rate which has been volatile since its introduction. As with Paypal, monies (in this case Bitcoins) are received and paid out of a ‘wallet’, but no banks or credit card companies are involved. Now the big companies are […]


Corporate governance guidance and principles for unlisted companies in the UK (including SMEs)

This useful report was first published in November 2010 and is available from the IOD’s website. The UK Corporate Governance Code is primarily aimed at listed rather than unlisted enterprises. However, many unlisted enterprises are owned and controlled by single individuals or families and for these SMEs, good corporate governance is about establishing a framework […]


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