January 2015

An economic outlook for 2015

The accountancy firm BDO run an annual economic update seminar and with their confidence index showing an upswing, it’s interesting to put this into perspective. Douglas McWilliams, chairman of CEBR gave his thoughts for the upcoming year, some of which are highlighted here. They say if you have three economists in a room you get […]


How to draft a successful business plan in 10 key steps

Written business plans with clear financial goals are one of the differentiating elements of a successful business. It may be a bit hackneyed, but failing to plan is very often planning to fail and this 10 point guide published by the SME Insider and sponsored by Washington State University, serves as a useful reminder of […]


The Small Business Bill and the National Audit Office – time to tax late payers ?

You can’t opt out of paying your taxes and pension contributions on time, without incurring penalties. Why should your government and its large customers opt out of paying you on time? The National Audit Office’s recent report highlights some disturbing government behaviours and a distinct lack of policy delivery expertise. Whitehall needs to set a […]


If you’re looking for financial management that can give your business that important edge, then we should talk. Contact Stephen Bramhall to set up an initial discussion on 07785 775828 or by Email.

Financial direction with a commercial edge